Short But Sweet, Polite And Respectful #16
Astrid Lindgren – KryjówkaGood things come to those who wait. Astrid Lindgren from Poznan gave themselves three years to release new musical output. Kryjówka will be on their highly anticipated record, which will be released by Pasażer in this year’s fall. I’m quite excited for this release to come out, as this striking screamo song was made to be listened on rotation. Astrid Lindgren is Szcepan, Goblin, Bialy, Hoody and China and this tune is a banger! Bardzo dobrze, boys!
+ bandcamp
You Take The Bus When You're Dead – Sure!Calgary currently seems to be a vibrant place where screamo bands are shooting up like Mushrooms. One of those amazing bands is You Take The Bus When You’re Dead. Recently released, the debut EP of the Canadian threepiece contains three emotive songs, full of heartbreaking lyrics. Indeed those words sometimes sound quite cliché, but let’s be honest: from time to time, we all love to indulge in heartache and melancholy. This EP is worth checking out.
“I don’t know where you are, I just want you to know I miss you. Nothing feels worse than when you’re gone.”
+ bandcamp
SURHYSA - Moloch & FreigehegeAlready shared the stage with bands like Disembarked, The Caulfield Cult and Dawn Ray'd, Moloch & Freigehege is the first, yet only published track of Surhysa. The atmospheric sound of the foursome from Regensburg could be described as darkened screamo combined with hints of crust, a blend that works perfectly well. It’s a pity they don’t have bandcamp yet, but we recommend you to watch the live take of their song. On that note:
„Willkommen im Moloch. Willkommen im Freigehege.“
+ Youtube [Moloch & Freigabe (live)]
Ilill – waitWait by Ilill is another amazing song that will be part of a proper release. It will be the first track of the upcoming demo of the emoviolence collective from Tokyo. Even if the first recording is still very raw, the emotions are transported well and I guess this is the most important thing. For us, it will be absolutely interesting to follow this project consisting of young and talented musicians. You can download the song on the group’s bandcamp page for free. There also might be a tape release in the future.
+ bandcamp
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